Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Presidential Discord

I am so glad that at any moment our President is on tv, net, or radio, I can mute it, turn it off. At first, I tried very hard to listen to his ideas, to make sense of his dramatic preaching style, to tune out his overwhelming ego. Now, with his law of the land being passed, I was subject to random news bits about it for two days, taken aback once again by his grating, condenscending, arrogant tone of voice, too similar to Al Gore and Hilary Clinton's verbal ramblings. I am not hating on one party, Bush had some really really dumb things to say,and said them in a very unattractive nasal Texan twang, that is only cute in comedies by real comedians. I just cannot believe Obama is going to have to be with us for 3 more years. It makes my eye twitch and my back hurt just thinking about it.

Wow, that was not fun, being so negative about our leader. But, I cannot like him. It goes against every thought I've had for so long that I have a hard time believing so many people voted for him (some that I asked didn't seem to know why, perhaps just because they thought it was cool). However, I do respect their right to vote and have their own opinions....unfortunately, when I have stated mine, some have gotten so uptight their heads looked like they might explode and their smugness came out like a seeping poisonous cloud.
Please, people- not everyone likes the guy! Alot of people didn't vote for him. You don't have to get it, just don't get mad because not everyone wants their hand held by mama Gov't.

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