Sunday, March 28, 2010

Great first lines...and then some

"It was Sunday-not a day, but rather a gap between two other days."

That is a wonderful first line, by F. Scott Fitzgerald from "Crazy Sunday", a short he wrote in 1933 for the American Mercury literary zine.

We all were taught some great first sentences of literature, and my m.o. lately has been to take off a branch and make my own tree.

Here goes:

"I woke up, and all I could see was the smell of old wine, stale feet, and a very unusual Saturday evening."

"He told me his monkey needed to be fed, and so he left me to feed the primate. Love is never a steady line."

"Whales need to be let loose, so that afternoon we let Jim go with a pack of PBR, a rubber seal, and a loaded 357 magnum."

"Toes needed to be in groups of five, so when she woke up with three, she rolled her eyes and wondered where they were."

"Tuesdays were not meant for beginners- three days left was not good for bad drunks."

"He said he loved her, but what that really meant was he was ready to board the plane to Puerto Rico and have dinner with his dark eyed wife."

"Days went on, and their love affair left it's mark- the hotel room actually told the maid what all transpired and insanity ensued."

"People need to be alone sometimes, and his alone time was unfortunately filled with people in his head. "

"Times were great, and the stories were bigger than ever."

"Five palm trees were enough to keep the neighbors from thinking they were lower class, but the family still worried about money."

"A steel cold mist hovered around their estate, and their organic garden died under all the heavy pretenciousness of the household.

"One bad day was alright in this Irishman's heart, two were enough to make you grow gills and swim back to Scotland. "

Add your own- what fun. Have a great night, friends :)

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