Friday, February 12, 2010

Is it just me or does it seems to be really horrible weather every time my husband has two days off in a row? Or, is it that I forget that most Florida winters are like this, especially in February and March. I do forget, after all the very long, hot months of summer down here, when I say "oh I can't wait to wear jeans, build a fire and not be so hot", that's when my wishes come back to haunt me. Days like today just drag on, even though we have kept busy, comming and going taking care of business. I look our windows, see a far off glimmer of orange sky, and then some nasty wet gust comes through, bringing the pounding of an impending sinus headache, and a vision of a humid night in New Orleans or Panama City Beach, with live music, long sunsets, fun and cold beer. You just can't enjoy a cold beer as much if you're not on a boat, on the beach or on a backyard in 85 degree sunshine. It's just not the same! I don't know how people live above Kentucky - I could barely handle Nashville, despite all the wonderful live shows we caught and great bands, I hated putting on boots, jeans, leather coats, hats, etc simply to go out for the night...anyhoo. I see the end of the rain is for the further temperature drop and a cp;d day tomorrow.

Later Gators.

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