Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Harry Potter!

If you've never watched any of the Harry Potter films, I highly recommend them. It's unusual that I never got into the books, but fortunate so that every new film in the series that comes out is a nice surprise. We just watched The Half Blood Prince tonight for the second time this year, and I am so proud of the directors and writers of this entire series ( there have been a few changes but the continuity is wonderful so you'd never really notice the difference). The first few films in the series are slightly more "Disney" (G- rated) and I like how, as the characters age, the darker themes also grow more intense...just like any adolescent growing up. Only these kids are entrenched in political battles going on around them by their adult superiors and are only now figuring out how not to be pawns in the age old battle of good and evil, with alot of other more detailed subplots thrown in (class prejudices, semi-racial overtones, and questioning authorities.)
Every movie, especially the last three, is fun to watch again because there are so many things you miss the first go around. Try it'll understand. Total entertainment, but also some very meaningful, sentimental, very funny, and poignant storylines.

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