Wednesday, September 2, 2009

"Hello darkness, my old friend..."
This keeps running through my head this morning as it is already dark, stormy and ready to rain here in Central West beach visits in about 5 days, getting itchy. I love living so close to the beautiful state park we visit so often the gate guards know us, but the weather this week is really touch and go. Typical summer weather, and we do always need the rain. Geez, I sound like an old fart. I've got some country music playing right now after watching the Morning Joe show that I make my family suffer through for about 1/2 hour every morning. Most days, our television is off and there is some kind of music floating through the air, which is so much healthier for the mind than the crap on tv. After football season, our tv will be "off" again, and life will be like it was for those years when we didn't have a cable or satellite bill...those were the days...
My son and husband are playing on the floor with cars and dinosaurs. Speaking of crap on tv, I've seen an interesting show called "Hoarders"....maybe you've heard of it? Anyhoo, duty calls for now, and the thunder rolls, so ta ta for now kiddos- will be back soon.

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