Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sunday night in sleepytown

As the TB Rays continue their struggle... I have a few things to ponder.

1. Why are people so insistent that they are somehow enlightened? do they buy that at the dollar store, or are they really no more enlightened than the cheap plastic brown Buddha at the Chinese Buffet down a road?
2. This thing they call Facebook is really cool, I have met up with some interesting people that I have always wondered about and am really happy to see out there living fulfilled lives. It's so neat that we are all so different and yet we still remember each other as young'uns so full of hope and fun...and now as adults are living such full lives with the funniest memories.
3. Next Halloween, I'm Beth and my man is going to be The Dog from Bounty Hunter- we need a full year to prepare the mullets, the nails, the feather and silver jewelry, the leggings, the leather, the gear attached to each hip, etc. It will be worth it. Promise. What are you doing this year??
4. Good friends know you well.. even the ones I have only had the privilege of being around for a year or two still get me as I do them. What a comfort in this crazy world today.
5. The place we currently live, is a funny little bubble of of a place. Its got all the great qualities of a safe small's more preppy than PC, more upper class and can be a little snobby( and small minded). But- it's a "great" place to live for now and I hope we pick up even more friends here as time goes on just as we have in the other places we have lived.
6. We cannot wait for the new Hobbit movie- the LOTR movies have been viewed so many times here it's silly and i love that the guy who directed The Orphanage(scary and tragic) ,HellBoy and Pan's Labryinth (crazy movie) is doing it along with Pete Jackson- yeah! Just bring back Viggo Mortenson and all is well.. although not sure he fits into that story. but still.
Night ya'll....J.M.

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