Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hello! This is my first blog to my very own blogspot! Now I can write any ole crazy thing I like- and boy are there some crazy things going on in the world today! Besides the fact that the Gators beat LSU and the TB Rays are doing well...I have some interesting viewpoints that I cannot wait to share. Since I am surrounded by yippies down here, I have discovered that one must tread very lightly or you may just upset people. Imagine that! People disagreeing! What is the world comming to when we do not see things the same way. It just stinks of individuality and freedom....More to this on a different day.
I cannot wait to build more on this site as I hope my friends and fam connect on it and feel free to interact and React to anything. Please send any interesting links that I might post for others to enjoy. Coming soon....salt and lime takes you on a mind bending journey to the outer reaches of the cosmos....
hang in there folks -it's only Tuesday.

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