Monday, October 20, 2008

Monday ya'll!

The Rays won- yeah. too bad their games are on so late... I have a hard time watching baseball as it is, but am so happy for their superfans that they beat the RedSox.
I stayed up to watch SNL for Palin and although was impressed by the light comedy routine she carried out (and also by Alex Baldwin for not popping a blood vessel standing next to her), I don't think it did a whole lot to change any numbers. Theoretically, SNL shouldn't influence people's voting choices, but we all know that the world we live in a very much influenced by celebrity endorsements, tabloid entertainment, and general tv entertainment. I am very disappointed with how quickly women in our society tear each other apart, as has happened since Palin's nomination. While it's ok for a strong, smart woman like Clinton to make it so far to the White House, it seems like it's not acceptable for a conservative women like Palin to even be recognized for her historic nomination as the first woman VP pick ever for Republican party. As a woman, I see clearly the double standards that apply here, and as women we should all start looking at how by tearing down this woman we are saying to ourselves and our daughters that we must all be just alike (Stepford Wives, anyone?) I know that it's a nasty campaign and it's too easy to make fun of her personal history of growing up in Alaska, but this mindset only diminishes that accomplishments she has made - without the help of a more prominent husband, and without the help of old family money- like most women in DC have had to help them gain more status.
Well, enough about politics for now... we made it to early church ( a bid deal!) so of course had to reward ourselves with a big breakfast. Then nap, then went again to Dunedin causeway to check out the lowtide. It was outstanding to be able to get outside in 70 degree weather finally and not melt away before noon! Afterwards, Dude got a bath so instead of smeling like dirty dog when he comes inside, now he smells like a wet dog. There are alot of snowbirds around now & their accents are great, but drive particularly slow.
Tomorrow we take D for his eye appointment, and then to get him fitted for glasses. The main thing is going to get him to keep them on. He is very happy, and is singing right now to himself in his room. It's naptime but this takes a while sometimes. Throughout all these appointments, he is never as stressed out as his parents are- in fact he doesn't seem to have a clue that we are worried- so that's a good thing! His hearing is 100% so that will help with communication skills when the speech ther. comes to our home for the weekly visits. Also, I hope being diagnosed as nearsighted will also help with that situation. Now, maybe from far away Mom and Dad won't look like two big blobs waving bye bye.
Well, going for now. Time for some down time while the house is quiet. Hope the week is great for everyone out there!

1 comment:

John and Andrea said...

Yay Rays! I forgot to record SNL while watching the Rays game the other night...but I caught snippets on MSNBC, youtube, etc. I thought it was very cute! Wasn't too harsh, and loved the moose! Can't wait to see Dom in his glasses, it'll be adorable...ya'll coming to Halloween party? Talk to ya later!