Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Good Morning tater tots. I cannot get something out of my head..Rachel Ray saying "Hi Guys - it's RAAAAAYCH!" anyhoo, It's hump day and another debate tonight. I don't even know if I want to watch it, they are on so late here. McCain has gained some points lately but unfortunately alot of younger people think he's too old so he's not going to get any "new voter" gains. Phillip said if he loses we're going to be ex-pats in Italy (making fun of all the celebrities that threatened to move after W won again in 2004. ) But since we cannot afford that, maybe a trip to the local beach will make us feel better on Nov. 5 :) Nick is enjoying some Baby Einstein and I love the Bolero song they are playing right now.
In other news....I i was remembering the old hangout Hunt's this morning as I came across a photo I took there of a perfectly placed Corona next to a tray of cold raw oysters....I cannot wait to get back to PC to see Gina and Danny and also get to Hunt's before the water warms up! Clearwater is a very nice, clean place but I like the grit of the's different and that's good.
We are always thinking of strange discussions and this one came up- if you were a wrestler- What would your stage name be and what moves would you have??
Mine is Starlight-Rosey (I won't say the whole thing it's too embarrassing. ) If you are tired of the crap on the news then this is a very intellectual game to keep your mind afloat.
Have a great day folks and never forget to brush your teeth at least twice a day and wear sunscreen.
J McCarthy

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