Friday, January 4, 2013

"Sherlock" notes

This was particularly interesting to me as I perused through my little "sites" today:

If you've never seen the "Sherlock" BBC series that is now carried via Netflix (that bipolar entertainment tin can), you are simply missing out. I don't mean to sound rude or trite. But I was a skeptic, being overrun by old/new Sherlocks and "Dr. Who's" over the years. I love Robert Downey Jr. as Sherlock in Guy Ritchie's movie versions, but their frantic pace and overreaching for drag queen humor is amusing but about as deep as a Yugo's truckbed.  The BBC version is like having someone serve you something that you never knew you were missing, or something that someone figured out about you - like the way you like your coffee (black, pure as driven snow, sometimes with a tad milk, no sugar ugg.) or making you a surprise feast of scallops, shrimp, oysters and red snapper (oh, sigh). This show is awesome because of it's actors (the wonderful Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch among others), but more so because of its writing. The Writing is like a gift from heaven. Every line is something to behold. Beyond that, you have to pay attention because the plot turns as often as owl's head at midnight and you are rewarded with a completely satisfied feeling in the end, not to mention you wait for the next episode like some sugared up child.

Anyhoo, the link above is a bit of a spoiler (oh, too late maybe?) but the Irene Adler character IS done just right in the tv series, and holds more mystery and intelligence than the movie version IMHO. Her character is, as I said to my husband, the other half of Sherlock in every way, and Sherlock is just as intrigued by her as the viewer. Trust me, it takes alot to get Sherlock intrigued.

Well, take or leave my advice. I am a little heady from painting found driftwood and drowsy from a busy week.

I hope the night is going well for you all, and I hope we are finding the New Year to be a more optimistic one. In our humble batcave, we wish for simple things- sleep, sleep and peaceful sleep.
Best wishes to you friends- ta ta for now.

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