Wednesday, January 30, 2013

"Justified" Is the best new/old show on tv right now. Watch it or I'll come find you!!

Link via Salon. com here: “Justified’s” Joelle Carter on breaking bad  but don't read it if you care about spoilers (we are only into season two and I don't mind spoilers that still leaves alot to the imagination. Anyway, short memo to people who love good writing and witty entertainment- "Justified" is your show. For two years, we kept ignoring it on Netflix instant, but I couldn't resist the temptation to fill a void left by "Sherlock" until they release new seasons and I also kept seeing the online buzz about it. Timothy Olyphant was always a big deal to us since we loved him in "Deadwood" (ooh how I miss that great show!). So, you take a few actors, producers and writers from "Deadwood" and give them some time on AMC and there pops out "Justified" which I would say is like Deadwood Light, but really that woudl be doing it a disservice. It takes place in small town Kentucky and Olyphant plays Rayland, a Fed Marshall who has some bad history. He is back home and with a quiet zest for trouble goes about dealing with all the bad elements in town. This sounds too simple, believe me it's not. The writers are great at weaving more complex stories together and the characters that live in this town are not some simple rednecks. They are people who walk the fine line between good and bad, they are survivors in bad economic times, they justify their bad behavior and they mirror Rayland's inner demons. The show is great, it has very strong roles for women (in case anyone was wringing their little hands over that overwrought topic) and every episode has gotten better. Don't write it off as some watered down "Sheriff's in town" type show, it covers more cultural ground that most PBS shows do in one weekend, touching on race issues, economic issues and the most important ones- human issues that anyone can relate too. More importantly, it's all done with the most humorous writing I have seen in a long time. It's Very Funny. And that's hard to find sometimes. Adult humor spread throughout some serious storylines, made for adults who are smart enough to read into the subtext for intelligent and funny entertainment.

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