Monday, July 16, 2012

"But that's not the weird part..."

Hello cats and dogs, how is your eternally hot as heck day going? I spent an hour puffing away at the gym and everyone there looked like puffer fish, all puffy huffy, irritable and full of salt water. Anyway, our great nation is full of stupid people doing stupid things. other nations have stupid people too, but who cares about other nations- GO USA! we're the Best! Go #1 and kick US butt! So, in your down time, please read and internalize this story below on Gawker's site. I enjoy reading, as you know, and sometimes instead of Yeats I enjoy reading the comments left by people on these sites. After reading this awful story of hillbilly drama, i had a chuckle from commentor who called this article "Appalachian Free Verse". I love that phrase! Can't take credit for it, but word fun is just the ticket after a crazy day like today. And after reading this thoroughly yucky post about horrible people doing nutty stuff to each other. Enjoy...and GO AMERICA!!!! And, yes, at least for once this story did not take place in crazy ass Florida. Land of the meth mobiles, pill mills, go cart living, youth group ministers who really like kids, Bible thumpers who threaten lives, Williston, and Ocala. (the middle of FL is the worst, except for Orlando which I haven't spent much time in but my college roommate is from there so it must be pretty ok. plus one time a UCF football player picked me up at a party - literally walking around with me over his shoulders, and somehow my butt ended up mashing into the drywall of an apartment, it was so funny my face hurt from laughing, seriously, it was funny but you had to be there.)

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