Tuesday, December 20, 2011

slide show time :)

In case you haven't heard, Christopher Hitchens passed away a few days ago. However polarizing he became, especially to his more liberal friends by his very robust support of the Irag battle, I enjoyed learning about him first as a journalism student at UF, and then as a big fan who ate up his writing like they were my own little secret delicious treats. In the end, it's not about agreeing with someone that can make you respect them, but rather some kind of personal link or kinship that you find in them, something you can relate to. I liked his style of writing, his stories, and political postings. He was one of the last cool writers of our century who came out of the "Purple Decades" as Tom Wolfe would say. He made enemies, had friends, and at least left the world with some wonderful things to read and think upon. In the world of blogs, journalists who are really just pageant queens, and ranting lunatics (Christ Matthews, etc)...one can appreciate the human need for a good old fashioned debate, some great rhetoric, and a fine bottle of whiskey to go along with it.
Cheers to him and wish there were more. The hipster writers of today just don't have the balls to be honest anymore.. much less admit they're ever wrong, or change their minds mid-life. Too bad!

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