Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Bringing home the bacon and pushing the prim

I can totally believe this. Nothing is ever black and white in these studies. However, my closest confidants (and you) have heard me say more than once that I was "happier" when my life was full of work related hours, events, social networking, and a life that was a little more adult oriented and way less baby talk.

I love my children, and a parent shouldn't have to qualify their desire to be back in the workforce by saying so. I know a few moms who love nothing better than to sit around other moms, talk about their kids while having playdates, and using their time at home to paint toenails and watch alot of TLC. You may think I'm being cynical by saying that- but no, a part of that has been my own life. And I disliked alot of that time.

My children need myself and their father to nurture, teach and love them. But I can truly say FOR ME, the stay at home lifestyle is not good for my health, physically and mentally. I wait for my husband to come home sometimes, waiting for that adult company. I book dates to see girlfriends, socialize (usually at night) and LOVE being social. I have always been a very social cat, but I never knew how having kids would make me miss that part of my life. We are busy people, we stay social, meet new friends and old out and about, and have made tons of great memories since having our boys, but my husband gets go to a job daily where he gets to hangs out with people his own age. Even the older peeps he has invited to our parties are funny, witty and nice to hang with.

But that part of my life is a hanging puzzle piece, dangling out there in Jennifer Universe waiting for me to grab it and put it into place. So, here's to a great new job (big money not required) for a more complete and fulfilling life....full of all the tacky stuff I miss- lunch with coworkers, making appointments/deadlines/sales goals, secret Santa at holiday parties, office gossip, paychecks, a sense of personal security I never have while not working even if I was married to the King of Dubai, a sense of pride I cannot get from my kids (sorry but true sons), and most of all- quelling my inner Scarlet O'hara ...we will never ever have bad potatoes on the menu.

Please read below link and look for my resume at an office near you :)

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