Saturday, September 17, 2011

You- Please Run for President

Michelle Bachman is not going to become our next President. Neither is Rick Perry or Mitt (I have no other wives) Romney. Do not panic. I am so still trying to wrap my mind around the extra-ordinary hoopla over Obama in 2008 (and his win) that I cannot even hold my breath for a better candidate this time around. There are no rays of hope - only a light down the road, waiting for the next election in 2016. He had two years with his own party entirely in power and here we are, still pointing fingers and of course, I am reminded why in the end, we need to elect people who have actually had some leadership and managerial positions. This isn't a local environmental group who needs some permits to clean up a lake, this is the entire country someone needs to LEAD.

That is all for now, Go Gators and please, if you think you can be a better leader, PLEASE Run.

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