Thursday, September 15, 2011

Coffee Perks

According to a recent Southern Living article I came across, coffee has many perks. Now, I am a purist when it comes to my Joe- I have never added sugar or flavored creamers to my coffees, when possible. I only like it black with a smidge of milk, cream or lite cream. That's it - no lattes, foam, whipped cream, cherries, nutmeg, syrups, espresso shots for me.

Here are the perks of being a coffee drinker: bottoms up!!

It may reduce your chance of diabetes- 3-4 cup drinkers are 25% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes. This of course without adding all the sugar and cream calories and fat.

It helps reduce muscle soreness after workouts. - caffeine reduces post exercise muscle soreness by nearly half.

It's a great source for antioxidants- good for your heart!

It''s a brain booster - increases short term recall, and 3-5 cuppers are 65% less likely to develop dementia or Alzheimer's disease. Whoah!

It may reduce your chance of getting some cancers such as liver, breast and colon cancers.

Drink up..

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