Sunday, September 25, 2011

Story time.

Once again, I am left with little time to write some things down. However, there is this - I am reading a best selling book about how our children are going to need the education of "nature." Furthermore, the book describes how we need to teach the next generation to deal with their time management between the technology of their time ( the obvious stuff now- texting, gaming, Facebooking, etc) and incorporate real "outdoor time" so that they have balanced minds.

Now this seems like some fluff, but it's not. It's great if your kid is fast on the texting, twitter, etc but our minds have evolved from ancient cousins who used to listen to the air, smell the air, and taste the air for survival. It doesn't take much time to take our children into some local nature sanctuary and just picnic or walk ( there are thousands of state parks in our country) nature trails and secluded riversides, lakesides, beaches or mountains. I have specifically noticed changes in our own young kids (ages 2 and 4.5 now) when they have spent the entire weekend or day outside of the house. I know it helps their imagination, their creativity and their personal growth. It reminds them that the tv, dvds, and yes even music - are better enjoyed after they are "missed" for a while- aren't most great relationships like that?

I say- get your kids outside for quiet time- yes, they may want to run around, yell and have fun. But also remind them that the trees talk, the wind speaks, and the water definitely has a story to tell- every single day.

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