Friday, November 12, 2010

The Tudored

We finally finished the Tudors series. What an outstanding piece of historical drama. If you have never seen it, please treat yourself. It's written for adults, by adults, no filters or PG type writing. It's at times hard to watch, but the actors give every moment their utter respect and treat their lines like works of art. See it.

Now, how are you dear friends? Are you happy, are you tired, are you well in the soul? Sometimes, we can be all those at once, I have found. Have you counted your blessings lately and held some in your arms? When I was single and living alone at times, quite happy in a one bedroom garage place, I would fall asleep with a book in my hand. Waking up later in the night to turn off my reading lamp (which I still have) I would never feel lonely if I had read a good deal of a good book, poem or even just a pile of zines.

transitional pause.

Last night, I had one of those really weird long dreams that started at 5 am (when I woke up briefly and glanced at clock) and continued after going back to sleep intil 6:45. It was one of those that is in "real time" and was so realistic. I have those every few nights, and it makes my mornings a little strange. I feel like I have been elsewhere ( although i know clearly it was a dream) and it's hard to shake off. In fact, it affects my day until i get busy enough to push the dream out of my mind. They are never bad dreams, just realistic and very very detailed. I do not even think I have that much memory in my waking life.

By now you're like "Hey Jennifer tell me what the dream was about" but I cannot let the story out of the bag. They are usually too real and at the same time too strange to ever be able to explain without someone getting a vibe. Usually, they do include people in my life, present and past and always seem like it could have truly happened...plausable stories with real outcomes. Never too much to handle but definitely with some real emotions from everyone involved.

Is this the way the mind works? Exorcising our own underlying emotions while we sleep? Yes, we know this. But is it more? no, doubt it. Mostly just a mix of weariness, real memories and false "memories" combining into one dramatic time in the night.

The mind is a wonderful thing, a best friend at times. Sometimes, perhaps...more of a nanny telling you to really, truly "go to sleep, now love."

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