Sunday, February 15, 2009

R.E.M. - a love note

Still in the shadow of Valentine's Day, I wanted to give a shout-out to the super group R.E.M. for an oldie but classic, "It's the End of the World as We Know It". When this song came out, I went to Russell Mills, bought a t-shirt, drew a skater chick on it, and wrote the first few lines all up and down the shirt. I promptly wore it all through middle school years with my blue Converse hightops and huge hoop earrings. Because - I was a nerd, and for another really really deep reason...
The young River Phoenix- looking dude in the song's video. Who can forget the seemingly meaningless video of a skinny shirtless boy with a dog hanging out in an abandonded shack doing handstands with his skate board and moshing around a little to the music. No - it wasn't meaningless, it just wasn't like the glitzy hair band and pop videos that were emerging at that time. I would wait for this video on 120 minutes and jump around like Molly Ringwald on Jolt hoping my newly bobbed hair was just the right kind of alternative cool. Besides the cute young lad, the shack looked like any old shack in Bay County or Georgia. I related. Who wouldn't want to blast R.E.M. while hanging out with your dog and skate board on a sunny day...maybe while skipping school? Anyway, this is my love note to you, anonymous skinny skater dude, and the wonderful song that our generation began our young adult lives with.
We can still relate. We feel fine....

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