Saturday, February 28, 2009

Happy Saturday!

Saturdays have always been the best day of the week for me. Fridays are good too but if you're working the work part takes up too much of the day! I love waking up here in FL and hearing the seagulls and bluejays in the early morning before they get settled in their trees to beat the warmer noon air. It got up to 78 yesterday, thus the palmetto bugs, spiders, mosquitos and gnats made a reappearance in the late afternoon around our porches and tried to invade our home before I closed all the windows. Those buggers just wait for the temp to get over 70 and then it's war.
Nick, the "Dominator", is playing with a yellow Playskool bus that came with little people in it. I always wondered why the only black person is in the a driver's uniform- was this manufactured before the 1970's maybe? Or have I just been so programmed to see everything in racial lines lately that it seems that way? Possible... some of the old Playskool things we get from Grandparents are very old and I'm keeping some in case WWWIII happens and I need to trade them in for fresh water and canned food. Anyway,I hope you all have a blessed weekend and be nice to yourself. Ta ta for now kids, JM

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