Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Something's happening tonight

Another election- the years go by fast, don't they? It has been interesting to me to notice different types of voters during the past 4 elections, in the towns we have lived. We're in a different town now, and I like to think of it as a nice safe place... meanwhile, I went to the gym several times this week so far. My back muscles and core need strengthening in order to pick up all the change that's coming my way! Also, the free Starbuck's coffee was an added bonus. Nick is doing great, loves to give "ten"now, instead of "five" (he's a capitalist in training) and looks more like a little child now, not a baby :(
I hope to write more about music soon, but need to do a little research on some new music I've heard about. These days, I play alot of mixed downloads- Johnny Cash, MIA, The Foos, White Stripes, and alot of old 70's mellow stuff like Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. Not a big fan of the old 80's hair bands but do enjoy the 80's Euro Pop and Techno (The Farm, Stone Roses, Depeche Mode, etc.)
Well, here's to an evening of peace and good thoughts for all. Tomorrow, there will be another person in charge whom everyone can blame for their own personal woes and mistakes down the road. Both candidates are brave souls. God bless them. Ta ta for now, JM

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