Sunday, November 9, 2008

Merde! I've a got a freakin cold.

As if the week wasn't bad enough for me to endure (all the Obama kids and their naive hoopla), I got a cold yesterday. When I mean that I "got" a cold, I mean it got me...grabbed me during a perfectly fine and mellow Friday evening following a nice Saturday jaunt with the family down to an afternoon wine festival.
The cold grabbed me by the shoulders and neck, threw me down with fury and rage...well, it's like an alien from hell has taken over my body. So now, with runny nose, stiff neck, buring forehead, I write from my castle of misery. Thank you Afrin, Tylenol Cold and a nice warm comforter. Thank you husband and child for not screaming too much today while we brush your teeth and change your diapers. I had to miss church, miss a perfectly good day outside (the heat makes me feel weird) and miss another day at the gym...maybe tomorrow. Well, I hope you all are doing good. When you're out having fun with your family and friends on this beautiful Sunday, remember out there, somewhere, is your pal JM suffering in agony.
From the outpost, J.M.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

I had that crud last weekend..but I made it to the other side and you will too. Hang in's not easy being a sick Mom I know!
I LOVE reading's so awesome to get to read your writing again.
Also, it's so great that you're going to the gym..INSPIRING to me as I submit yet another payment to a place that eludes me.
Feel better soon!!