Friday, February 8, 2013

IT'S Time for Beads and Debauchery (Mardis Gras)

Besides that, I have a wonderful educational tool to share if you are a weather buff like  is the most fun. Please visit and put in any location you like to see if the Snowpocolypse 2013 (because now there is one every year either due to climate change, due to fact that they have always happened but people are just big giant babies these days and live in states of mild hysteria due to media hand wringing or a combination of both). It's a fun site and was brought to my attention through Gawker. In the meantime, if you're not hunkering down for another Snowpocolypse, we in the general vicinity of New Orleans (or 4 hours away) are getting ready for a weekend of Mardi Gras fun. My house has always been into Mardi Gras fun, and I have fun memories of New Orleans over the years. If we ever had the chance to live there (and have same income) I would in a heartbeat. It is gritty, it has problems, it smells like low lying salt water, river mud, spicy seafood and cheap beer. I'm in!
I don't do the whole gumbo thing in our home but we like to get out to events like the 12th Night Parade, the parades and really enjoyed the one Krewe Ball we attended last year (tickets sales buying books for the schools). This area of the Gulf of Mexico including Pensacola, Mobile (site of the first Mardi Gras parades) and New Orleans goes all out for the season, with beads on trees in front yards, door decorated, and the streets lined with bedazzled Krewe Court Members during Gallery Night and other events before the big weekend. In our family, we chose a long time ago to get out and see the sights in every city we have lived in, and this is no different. Life is too short to stay inside and let the t.v. lull you into a day of any account, even before we had kids we were like this and now no different.

Laissez les bons temps rouler!

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