Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Hello friends! I am trying to see if this blogger will let me go back to the past (when I started this blog 4 years ago) and let me write each post in different colors and or font. This has bugged me for two years now,  a "change" or glich that I could never find time to narrow down. Here goes.

How is your day so far? What troubles are fading away as the evening comes to give us one more chance to reevaluate, make lists, relax and just get a do-over if necessary? I have many ideas to write about this week and a little time later to catch up. 

One thought is pretty simple- if you could have a group of people to dinner, who would they be? We've done this before, in some other form, but it's a fun game. I think having Jim Carey, Will Ferrell and Robin Williams in one place for dinner would be a nice form of high art for a normal person like myself. That would be a whole lot of crazy served up on a plate of hot spicy neurosis. I realize most comedians are not always "on" or funny in their personal life, and in fact most use comedy to cover up some tragic issues. In the end, we benefit from their misfortunes...isn't that a bummer.

 Anyway, what about a nice apertif with some of the tech gurus..I admire their innovative insights and curious minds but when I read interviews with them in Fast Company or Inc., my mind starts to turn to slush as their personalities overwhelm their genius. It's truly mind over matter in those cases. 

So who would it be? Obama? Michelle? Wes Anderson? Bono? Meatloaf? (yes that one). the Palin clan and their snowmobiles (they seem like a fun family, no joke), Bill Dance, Larry Bird, Carl Malone, Steve Spurrier, Rex Reed (I'll take him), Michael Bloomberg, Michael Mann, Tori Amos (hmm maybe a loose cannon at dinner), or Judy Bense President of UWF? Who would you put together for a dinner of conversation, laughs and debate? 

I am talking about this of course because dinner time is approaching soon and everyone in this house is constantly hungry. I had seafood, beach and playground date today with my two year old and it was sublime, but the routine of nightly domestic life brings it down to a quiet notch. Let's revisit soon, perhaps in a hours? see you then.....

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