Monday, April 23, 2012

Ants marching.

The most formidable being on the Earth is not the elephant, the great white shark or even the parasitic disease carrying creatures that rule the news, terrorizing minds everywhere (think "Contagion") - it is the sugar ant. I am too lazy to look up it's formal Latin name, but do we really need to? Must we give this horrifically relentless being even more credibility for it's super powers? I have been waging war with some of these sand size black varmits for about 20 hours now. They have not reached our kitchen, but rather have made a trail through a small space near our front door, marching in like dutiful cult- like soldiers, going after whatever small thing brought them there in the first place. I wage war with crumbs daily since our kids eat like pigs in a trough, but they know to help clean up and I of course, clean up again when everyone leaves the table. I am a neat freak. So- you can see my inner anxiety boiling to the surface when the ants come in to say hello. Hello, my little friends...get ready for Battle Royale. You will not win. Didn't your Queen bee tell you to never cross a girl born in January? You may make it out alive, but trust the other survivors - you'll never be "right" in the head again. :)

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