Friday, February 3, 2012

"F" is for "Friday" and "Fitness", kids.

Again, the clock is racing against me as I fit in as many chores, errands and other life stuff into a time crunch until I have to hit the road again. These things happen when you become a stay at home parent- the clock is your little she-devil- tapping you on the shoulders saying "see that nice couch over there? haha you can't sit on it today..must get more life stuff done..onward you lazy lass". and so it goes.

I am very excited about a kickboxing class that begins soon for me, will let you know what I think and if I recommend it to you. Like most exercise choices, people need different levels and styles of activity that suits them. I see people here paddleboarding, and I know it would bore me to tears, but some others may enjoy it immensely. Who knows, maybe I'll try it. I need much more stimulation than that, I predict...and i'm good at predicting myself ;)

What is your active lifestyle choice? Swimming, tennis, running, walking, jet skiing ala Kenny Powers? (good for the upper thighs, like horseback riding, and wrestling in oil!) My number #1 choice is always swimming, I mean long laps in the Gulf but don't mind large pools either. Swimming makes me feel strong and relaxed. When a large body of salt water isn't handy or it's full of sharks, BP oil or red tide, I love to mix walking with running, love playing tennis (not great at it but I find it suits my mind), and I enjoy using weights. I also love to dance for hours when possible. This does not happen much right now, but I am looking to work it in somehow soon. Perhaps pour a slab in the backyard, hang some lights in the magnolias and go to Downtown Julie Brown land real soon.

What are your goals for fitness? Maybe working in more meat, cigarettes, and dairy into your daily diet? Perhaps walking less than 10 steps per day? Whatever your goals are, they are just that- yours. No one else's business how you treat your body but your own. If I see mine as a temple, you may see yours as a Jersey Shore, waiting to be exploited and Spring Breaked upon. Whatever the case, here's to goals, our wonderfully weird bodies, our mixed up minds, and our life's path to our own perfection.

Ta ta for now, cats and dogs.

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