Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Hello cats and dogs.

Good afternoon friends. I am writing a quick missive to let you know some things going on in JTown here lately. We have several things in the works right now and I am taking about a week off from this site. Please check back with me soon for some very good new posts. Or at least entertaining posts. I am actually writing a book to be sold via Amazon and through social media outlets. This is not for some vanity project but just to put my toes in the sand with making some of my writing official, as it were. More importantly, I am doing it to leave something funny/entertaining/interesting for my sons to have, as a personal reminder of their parent's lives, their mom's thoughts and other helpful tips.

This book will be the first of several I have been working on (ending in a preposition there, not good). I have had dozens of articles already bought for other people's websites and now am ready to do something that is not "for" someone else (although I totally enjoy writing, in any capacity). So, the next few days I will be doubling down, editing, self editing, mentally thrashing myself for editing, and in general, having minor fits over what words have to go (sorry words, I love you sooo..). I will be back, probably within the week, but in the meantime am creating my new book from posts on here, along with several new ideas that will be "new to you". So, when I come knocking at your wallet door, be ready to shell out the big e-book bucks, about $3. Times are tight, so start putting those pennies away and use them to support your friend's quest for personal bucket list item crossed off! Love you to all, fearless bold and wonderful friends!

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